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Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Do you know Simon's cat? Speaking with videos

Apparently we had a cat when i was a baby. I don't remember much about biscuit, but I love watching the videos on YouTube Simon's cat. 
Here is the example for Daily routine teaching.
A few things I get the students to explain in the TL when watching the snippets of videos:
- feelings they can observe
- objects and location of objects
- actions
- what will happen next
- what just happened.
I know some teachers have TPT account with materials on there based on Simon's cat.

I just think watch a few episodes, see which will work with your curriculum and let your imagination and the kid's run wild!

With this episode, we work on actions and emotions and things in the kitchen, times of the day, the time, verbs with the third form.

One cute project would be over a couple of lessons to get the kids to pair up and pick a video from the website themselves and explain in a presentation with some screenshots of scenes what happens in the video, getting them to teach other new vocabulary and verbs item.

We also watch the video on those days were casually a lot of students are missing class (pre holiday season classes, alternative schedule days or even as a freebee for being ahead of other classes). 

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