Using movies in the language classroom
This is the end of the post about using Coco the movie in my 5th grade Spanish class.
The 5th grade in my school rotates between three languages over the course of the year. I am about to start the third rotation and as this is my first year teaching fifth grade there is a lot of reflection going on. The first rotation did not get the movie study they did learn about the colors, animals and emotions though, so content wise, classes will have similar prior knowledge when they go to 6th grade if they choose Spanish.

During the second rotation, we had time to go over celebrations and the culture of the Day of the dead through the movie. I also though I would continue studying the movie including emotions. The material I created for the class was based on screenshots while I watched the movie, the kids still enjoyed watching and writing captions for the screenshots of the various emotions the characters felt. The kids did great and are impressed me with their use of the adjective endings as well. The third topic we looked at was colors in the Alebrijes and the various animals that make up some of the Alebrijes that can be identified in some scenes.
There are so many other topics than could be studied at that level with this fantastic movie.
Are there any other movies that you use in your classroom that have inspired you to make resources?
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