First of all the inspiration.
I have been using the Burrito builder for years, but recently I've had increasing difficulty having the kids play it, between the ads and the Flashplayer updates, it's never ending.
I play board games, sometimes, at our friends house, and once we played this sushi building game.
So here I go creating a new game mixing it all up.
In Spanish la Taqueria, in French La maison du Croque-Monsieur,.
I used Canva of course and Flaticon to create the boards.
I just google taco and France color palettes and these came out great ( I think)
These have been created with present tense in mind and I think as I go along I will create new card packs for other tenses.
Here are some example of the cards.

How to play: Students are given one card of each color to start with and will pick one extra as they start the game, then roll the dice, they land on a box and take the action on the box :
- take a blue card ( for example) they will take the card form the blue card pile
- take a yellow card from your neighbor to the right ( for example)
- Bonus! take an extra card
- take a green card and pass in one to the neighbor to the left. (for example)
At the end of the game the students have to put the ingredients together to make grammatically accurate combinations and they may use each card only once.
So for example they could have a 1 pt card with yo or je +a two point card with com- or habill+ a one point card with -o/-e result: Yo como/ je habille for 4 points altogether.
My kids cover stem and accent change verbs in Spanish and French and reflexives so they are featured in the game.
The super dooper combination would be je m'habille which would give 1+2+1+4= 8 pts...
It's not super complicated and I think it would make for a fun review game at the end of the year.
I sure will be using it!
for other ideas don't hesitate to check out the other entries!
Here is a link to the French version